Today you are 17 months old. We celebrated by getting your hair cut, going to Homestead Park and watching Daddy's softball team win their game. At 17 months, you are glued to Mommy & Daddy. You like to eat broccoli, any fruit, and any food where rice, chicken or cheese is involved. You look even more like your Daddy. You are a big Pocahontas fan. You love making new friends and talk about them all the time. Just about everyone that meets you marvels at how well you speak, how many words you know and how fast you can run and climb. Mommy & Daddy have to watch their words around you because you repeat EVERYTHING! Daddy loves that you take a flying leap into his arm everyday when he gets back from work.
Love you, Boo-boo!
PS. The toddler bed ended up being a hot mess so we decided to try again when Chris is NOT on a Q4 month. Turns out our floors get crazy noisy once the weather warms up. For now the bed makes an excellent story time couch.
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